Sunday, December 4, 2011

I told my boss im pregnant?

i told my boss i was pregnant cuz i wanted mon. and tues. off w/ my bf so we could go to appts. and shopping together.. and my boss wouldnt let me cuz a new girl wanted tues, and thursdays off so she would have to go by her schedule.. well a coworker told me to tell my boss and she thought she would be nice and let me have the days off cuz of seniority but no she didnt instead she said what were u thinking ur too young.. u n ur bf wont work thought u were smarter then that i would of held ur hand to the doctor for u to get ur pills...then a male massage therapist came out and asked how my boss's daughter was doing and she yells well she knows how to take birthcontrol.. which made me feel uncomfortable..and then she went back to the girl i work with and told her i should get an abortion and tellin her all these things and personnel stuff about me and my bfs fight a month ago...what should i do? should i go to higher management..and transfer or wat?|||Definitely go to higher management. Thats discrimination, regardless of circumstances. Your boss has no right to say that to you or about you none the less. Report it Report it Report it. I would be flipping out and told my boss EXACTLY what a peace of crap she was. Probably would have gotten fired. Be the bigger person and report it!|||well that is harassement your boss could be in serious trouble for those comments... i would certainly mention this to your HR and document it all... remember if you didn't document it , it didn't happen. That is rude... and quite frankly your boss sounds like a *********...good luck wiht the baby!|||SLAP YOUR BOSS IN THE FACE!...and blame it on the hormones|||i would definitely report this behavior to a higher level manager. That is not appropriate behavior.|||Talk to higher management and explain everything that happened to the finest detail and If they do anything or confront your boss about it I would go to the labor board.|||your boss had not right to put all of your business out in public she sounds very immature and you should speak to an attorney about what happened because she broke some laws when she told people about your pregnancy...i hope you sue her A** because she deserves it...Good luck with your pregnancy!!!|||that sounds like an unfavorable work environment...your boss is very unprofessional and should be reported to her's a hostile work environment that you do not have to be exposed to...def. go to human resources/upper should file a should not be mistreated like that...people can be so mean! best wishes to you|||If I am reading this correctly, your boss made the comment about their daughter knowing how to use BC to another co-worker - and made comments about abortion and your relationship with your boyfriend - if this is correct - GO TO HIGHER MANAGEMENT immediately and report them for harrassment, slander, defamation of character, etc. - if that doesn't work consult a lawyer. No, the boss was under no obligation to give you the time off if it would leave them short staffed regardless of seniority, the girl was hired with the agreement that she didn't want to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but the comments are out of line and completely unprofessional and the "boss" should be punished for making them.|||r u even pregnant cause u said just just told ur boss because u wanted certain days off.|||Whoa. First of all please learn English. I had to read this 3 or 4 times before I got the gist of what you were asking!

Secondly, you sound young. You should have been more careful, but now that you're in this......

It's really up to you to decide about keeping the baby or not. It's your right.

As for the drama..perhaps you should just keep your personal stuff to yourself at work. It's not professional to talk about your most very personal things. You can't take back what's been done, but don't get into the stuff with your boss about days off. You vs. new girl.

If he/she talks down to you about your pregnancy and how you got that way etc. tell him/her in a respectful manner that while you appreciate their opinion it is your life. If it continues keep notes about it. (What happened, when it happened, what your reaction/feelings were.) If you really need to report them the notes will come in handy to prove you case of harassment.

As far as the days off go with what you can and/or find out if there is an alternate day you can take off other than Tuesdays. Your boss is still your boss and unless you want to look for new employment keep the drama to a minimum.|||You started the ball rolling by lying in the first place. This could be a learning experience....Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive. Stick with the truth and life will be easier and learn to be responsible. If you have work committments, honor them. Do what's right and you avoid a fight.|||DEFINITELY go to higher management! That's harassment and jsut plain evil and they can and should get in alot of trouble for that! And it's none of her business how old you are when you get pregnant and I hope you don't take her to heart since apparently she's not a very nice person. But definitely go to higher management.

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