Thursday, December 15, 2011

When can you pick cherry belle radishes?

i do not know when i put them in the ground but they are starting to stick up out of the the ground, my biggest worry is they will rot in the ground.|||They most likely won't rot, but if they get too old and big, they may split an/or get pithy or spongy. If they are 3/4 to one inch in diameter, go ahead and pull them up. You can check by exposing them a little more with your finger. Run your finger gently around one to move the soil out of the way. This will do no damage, and you can leave them if they're not big enough yet, and they'll keep growing fine. Check each one you think is nearly ready. Oh, I'm assuming you have soil you can move easily, like the sand we have here in FL. If you have heavy clay, try this with a tool very carefully.|||You can pick them as soon as they start pushingout of the ground. They won't rot because they will push themselves completely out of the ground. But the longer they stay in the tougher and more bitter they become.

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