Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can you help me decide on a major?

I'm very torn right now on what Major I want to do. I'm a transfer student going into Buffalo right now, but I've never actually been to College before, I merely took a few Chinese classes AT a college in Taiwan, so they count me in as a transfer.

Because of this I got to make my own schedule. I went a little nuts with this and picked Chinese, Intro Linguistics, Intro Anthropology, English, and Asian Studies

However, I'm really not sure on what I want to Major in. Right now I'm declared for Linguistics, but I may change.

What I want to do in the future is put my Language skills to use. I can speak almost Fluent Mandarin, because I lived in Taiwan for 2 years. I'm learning some other Languages, aswell.

In the future I'm not positive on what I want to do, other than Travel. I want my job to move me around, I don't want to be in one country all the time. So, Travel and deal with foreign Language and Culture. Other than that, I'm stumped.

I know Linguistics deals with the fine details of Language itself, like Semantics, Morphology, Syntax... but does it deal with culture and learning languages aswell?

I was also thinking about Majoring in International Relations and Minoring Linguistics? Would this be a good choice? However, my university only has Political Science, no international relations. Though it does have international Marketing and Management.

Thanks for the help.|||I'm a post grad of linguistics and it allows you to do all those things.|||Major in linguistics or the lang u like and international business. u can double major u know.|||How about a translator? It would allow you to travel. Mandarin is very in demand so you'd be set with fluency in that. Linguistics is a great major, but it does focus more on the science of languages than the culture and learning of them. Anthropological linguistics will touch on culture, and linguistics itself will help you learn languages in the future. I think you should either double major in Chinese and linguistics, or major in the former and minor in the latter.|||If you speak fluent Chinese and love languages, then I would tell you to major in Chinese(easy major) and also you could double or triple major in other languages also like Korean and Japanese. Knowing more than one language is really good and Linguistics deals more with the methodology of language and not culture. Double major in Chinese and Japanese, and you will have a good degree.

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