Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm not getting paid for hours worked, what can I do? Please help me. Illegal?

I've been with Starbucks for almost 2 years. I just transferred a location from Pembroke Pines, Fl to Brooklyn, Ny.

Never ever had I had this problem with any job I've worked with. But for the times i have worked here in NYC, the manager goes into the time and attendance log and cuts the hours.

For example, I worked XMas day (with my store manager) and didn't receive a 30 minute break. Originally I wasn't supposed to because I was scheduled for less than 6 hours. We were super super busy that day, so of course we didn't get out on time. And I exceeded 7 hours, without a 30 minute break or a 10 minute break for more than 6 hours. So i check my hours the next day, and it shows that I clocked out for a 30 minute break. I brought this to the managers attention and she said she will fix it. First of all, she shouldn't even be messing with it. Second of all, she fixed it so that it looked like I was on the clock for 30 minutes later with a meal break.


This location makes $30,000 per week. We originally had 3 closers, and we had to be out in 45 minutes after closing the doors. Even then, it was impossible. But the workers would clock out because they were told by management that they had to. So they would be working off the clock for hours. We're to down to 2 closers!!! The very first night I closed at that store, I closed wit the assistant manager, and as soon as 12:15 hit he told me to clock out. I refused. I was shocked and replied "But we're still working, we're not done' and he says "I know, but we have to." This is not Starbucks policy. And this was coming from the ASM.

So I closed last night, what a horrible close it was. On top of being beyond frustrated, tired, and rushed (I worked non stop since the second i walked in) we clocked out at 12:30 am. It was a horrible close, I know it was, but i was under so much pressure of being out on time or not getting paid for it. I check my hours today, and the manager clocked me out at 12:15am.

Tonight literally had t be the worst night of my life. I felt like i was going to faint. I can't explain to you how fast I was moving and running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. This is not healthy. I cried, I bawled after I walked out. I sweated like a pig. 2 closers! And we clocked out at 12:45am. 30 minutes after the time were supposed to. And it's just going to get cut again. I shouldn't even be this stressed out at work. I've been with Starbucks for 2 years. I reported the manger twice already though the 1-800 starbucks number. PLease please help me. This is illegal!|||100% illegal.

log your hours yourself when you clocked in, when you clocked out. keep your own record, basicially what you need to do is everytime you get a pay check called HR where ever it is and state that you aren't getting paid correctly. Tell them to check the records and also that your manager is clocking you out while you are still working. Also tell them that you are closing without 3 closers and are working overtime.

Fax them your logs and also tell them to check the security camera to prove that you were in fact still in the store and working. Also, tell them to check the security log to find out when the store was locked down. All of these will lead to the conclusion that the manager was wrong and they will have to go back and pay you the back money.

If they refuse to do it then you have to call the EEOC and they will check into the issue, this is a major issue because if you get hurt while on the job and were "clocked out" it can effect your workers comp. Also, it's a problem because employment is hourly and if you are working you have to be on the clock... this is a FEDERAL ADMINISTRATIVE law.

Get your money. Call everyday to HR until something is done, if nothing is done then you have to call a FEDERAL EMPLOYMENY AGENCY like the EEOC.|||Dont be bullied at work. You clock out when you're finished and not before. Your time is not free. If it was the other way around would THEY pay YOU extra for not being at work? Of course not. If they keep knocking you time down then you need to speak to someone (in the UK it would be a Union or ACAS bit I dont know about USA)|||Document, document, document. This is number one if you want to make a formal complaint that goes anywhere. Beyond that, I would suggest calling the corporate offices for Starbucks. I work for Costco and this has worked there, it is easy to get ahold of a person through our employee hotline, but if this is not the case with Starbucks, you need to take the complaint outside the company - this is why we have labor laws, to keep employees healthy. If your managers had a clue, they would know that healthy and happy employees work harder are more efficient...

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