Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bad Boss, Great Job... What do I do?

I have a wonderful position where I like my co-workers, my customers, and I am proud of my business.

I am on the brink of recieving benefits (after 13 months due to poor office staff not meeting deadlines)...

I am up for employment review with a good reputation with my co workers and my clients. Many praises.

But, I have a poor senior manager, and a poor workgroup manager.

I have begged, pleaded, given notice, made compromises, and even drafted schedule templates in order to persuade my bosses to provide me with a work schedule that does not conflict with my school, and allows me time to study and to spend time with my loved ones. I have been promised cooperation: with no results, just more problems and mistakes.

Many letters and conversations have been had. I even requested a transfer, and was manipulated into staying.

I also recently cross-trained as a favor to the management to help cover some understaffed workstations. I accepted this cross train on the precedent that I would still maintain the larger portions of my hours in my preferred workstation. I recieve tips + wage at my preferred position. My alternate position is the same wage, but is not tipped and therefore cuts about 1/4 of my income. They have continued to place me in the less savory position for the majority of my weekly hours due to their constant staffing issues for this area.

Recently a co-worker in my preferred station was granted the set schedule of his choice, and it directly conflicts with my needs. Hands down, I am a more flexible and reliable employee than my co-worker, and I feel I deserve to have some of my requests fulfilled as a token of appreciation for the favors I have listed.

How can I convince, or motivate my boss to work with my needs as an employee? I am regularly told what it takes to pacify me, without any good made on their word. My boss does not take well to threats, he is a skillful conversationalist and a persuasive manipulator. Signing an official agreement is out of the question, it has been attempted, and I was made to feel I was insulting my boss. What is the best way to encourage action from my superior without retaliation?

I do not want to resign. I am being pushed to a point in which I must leave if things do not change. Otherwise my grades and loved ones will suffer. Of 14 shifts in a week, I have made myself available for 10 of them, and the typical workweek is 5-6 shifts.

Any help from the devil's advocate? |||Ahhhhhhh so your boss doesn't take well to threats, eh? I don't know anyone who does actually, no suprise there, lol.

I think you need to look for a new job. It sounds like you are a very confident person, which can clearly be a +, but also a - if you are too pushy about me, me, me. Obviously you have made your desires very clear and they are consistently disregarded, despite assurances you are a good worker. Very likely you are but perhaps you are getting on management's last nerve with your constant badgering. They have to look at the big picture, less so re individual cogs in that picture. |||Hi

Why Job? No need to work/Job, (there is no sale or purchase) Weekly payout by cheques with TDS - NGO%26amp;MNC-Just visit "" or "" and call me Gopal 9313487754. Delhi.

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