Thursday, December 8, 2011

Need some work advice!?

Me = me!

D = the person I replaced. she retired and I was promoted and transferred to her spot.

L = part-timer 1

C - part-timer 2

So, I am the new department manager. The department is the front end of a grocery store. So, most of my time is spent babysitting cashiers. Anyway, Sundays are a great day because we make time and half. And I love to work as many hours as I can on Sunday. D never used to work Sundays, because she made enough money during the week and didn't need the extra pay.

So, L and C would do the supervising morning shift and the afternoon shift on Sundays. They've been doing it for many years.

Well, now I'm here and I want to do it. I would give them the same amount of hours theyre used to working, at the same times, however, they would be cashiers.

I cannot be a cashier myself, I am the manager ffs and its just not allowed. The assistant store manager agrees.

They both have the attitude that they are too good to be cashiers and are pissed with me about it. When C came in to relieve me today, usually I tell her what's going on, what has been done, etc... and she wouldn't even look at me and had a real nasty attitude with the whole word or two she responded with. I ended up just walking away.

L and C are both old enough to be my mother, they are adults but are childish about this. I can work Sundays if I want and yes, change stinks, but I've had to change alot of things in this store, and change is what management higher than me wants.

So I should say **** em and do I what I need to do for myself right? I was going to work some sort of rotation out, but with their nasty childish attitudes I shouldn't give in to them right? In the store I came from we had people that would supervise every shift they worked but if they had to be a cashier they would do it no problem. The may not have enjoyed it but they still did what they were scheduled for without treating the manager like crap for it.|||Sounds like you haven't treated them with much respect. Just because you're the manager, doesn't give you the right to put your needs before theirs. In fact, a good manager will put the needs of their employees before their own.

While you suggested they can work as cashiers and not supervisors on Sundays so they'll be getting the same amount of money, I think you really missed the point. Getting the 1 day day a week supervising is giving them a chance to do something different and a chance to be in charge. You may have not taken away any money, but you've taken away a lot of the respect they had because in the eyes of other cashiers they are no longer given special treatment as they were before.

And that's not special treatment in a bad way - employees that have been with you a long time or who do a great job do deserve something extra. I don't blame them for being mad at you although I cannot condone their behaviour.

Why not sit down with each and ask them what is important about them about supervising Sunday mornings? If you want the extra pay of working Sundays then why not get them to work as a cashier on Sundays and ask them to supervise another day of the week? Ask them how you can solve the problem - getting them involved in the solution will make them a part of the solution instead of you just 'pulling rank' and forcing your own solution (which clearly only benefits you) upon them.|||Ok .. I took over a department with some older folks and changed things around. OMG - what a nightmare. I can totally related to what you are saying.

You have to decide if this job is your career or just a job until you get a real job. If it's just a job until you get your real job - f*** 'em. If this is going to be your line of work - then you need to handle it differently.

Change happens and some people are really not prepared. I think working the cash register feels like a "demotion" to them but they don't know how to "confront" you about it.

1 - Call a meeting.

2 - Acknowledge their anger and the situation. Explain what you have been asked to do. Ask for their help.

3 - Ask them how they would like to resolve the situation.

4 - praise, praise, praise, praise.

Is it possible that you can work every other Sunday or rotate Sundays? Would they prefer another day off? Is there anything you can give them to make the situation better.

What you don't need is them staging a "revolt" and contacting upper management. (Trust me ... voice of experience here.) So get it handled.

If the above solution does not work - be sure and document the meeting and what was said. Send to your upper management if necessary. Then time for some rough play - put them on probabtion and fire their arses if you don't get the change you want. You can do it with a clear conscience because you tried to work it out.

Luck to you.|||yea I get the impression they are taking it personal about your promotion- you can be quiet about it and see if the routine gets back to normal. The job should be viewed as everyone helps out, while you do not have to be cashier - maybe do some 'dirty' work so the gals would respect that you are still one of them.

Otherwise I hate work politics, fire some - there is plenty of other people seeking work!|||You are the manager. You may do what you wish but complications can arise.Judge if the ends justify the means and make your best choice!

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