Thursday, December 8, 2011

Massachusetts law on can hospital refuse medical care?

Boston, Massachusetts Hospital refuses follow up treatment after patient is released to nursing home for rehab, while nursing home wants the follow up. Patient with Medicare and Other Health Insurance in her nineties has memory, vascular problems worsened by her incidents of low blood pressure, irregular blood supply to brain resulting in passing out, which seems may in effect be similar to a stroke. Which sends her as Emergency room patient, while in the emergency room she had several other incidents? Then transferred to their Hospital, then several days later was sent by Hospital to nursing home for rehab. The hospital recommended that patient see their Neurologist who she has a history with, is his patient, then subsequently cancelled the scheduled appointment the day before, and future appointments at the Hospital and with the Neurologist, and refused to treat her for anything else. Patient has a baseline with the Neurologist having had full testing with that the hospital and Neurologist, and has been in their Psych ward for treatment several times and the last an extended stay and electro shock treatments at the Hospital several years ago. The Hospital and M.D Neurologist have top ranking in the necessary evaluation and care, in this part of the USA. Nursing home said her mental status declining, which may be potentially life threatening situation, and also may lead to permanent stay in nursing home rather than moving back home with her family. A testing psychologist at another hospital few days ago highly recommended seeing the Neurologist. That Neurologist has specialties in Psychology, Vascular Medicine, Stroke, Memory etc., is one of the most highly qualified doctors in the country, and he is at the Hospital which ranks number one in this part of the country for the conditions and symptoms the patient has. There is no one in this part of the county that would be a comparable substitute; even so, it would likely take months to get an appointment with others outside that Hospital. The Hospital agreed to then refused to supply a referral list of Neurologists or a letter stating the appointment had been cancelled. The head of the department that made the call refused to give his last name and said it was a decision of top management and a certain executives name was confirmed. Need the Hospital to reverse their decision.|||WHAT AMERICAIN HOSPITALS CAN STILL DO THAT!!

Im really sorry to read that.

And I thaught obama fixed that|||An EMERGENCY room is legally required to try to keep you from dying today. Beyond that, NO medical facility anywhere in the US is legally required to treat anyone for anything.|||They aren't refusing medical care, they are refusing FOLLOW UP care, there is a huge difference.

Hospitals must treat according to EMTALA, which means that they by law must triage and treat emergencies, stabilize the patient and admit or transfer to an appropriate facility, beyond that, they have no other legal obligations.

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