Thursday, December 8, 2011

How do I keep from aging/looking older since I work overnights now?

We all need money and I had the opportunity to be promoted and get a substantial pay raise... Catch is it is an overnights management position.

I go to school 3 days a week, I will have sunday nights off and monday nights off. I work 10pm-7am and school on mondays is from 9am-5pm, WED/FRI is 9am-1pm....

I am only 19, and I could not pass this promotion up. I will be able to transfer to days in 6 months.

In the mean time, I need some help with keeping my baby face. I look about 16/17 and would like to keep it like that.

I now have a bad fear of aging due to irregular sleep patterns or not getting enough sleep since my schedule is now flipped around.

Are there any kind of face moisturizers, creams, foods etc..... I can use that would help me keep my baby face? I'm open to anything and not limited to what is above.

Thank you for your help, It is greatly appreciated :)|||Along with trying to catch up on sleep whenever possible (lack of it DOES cause you to look older and affects your immune system), diet is very important.

Try to get lots of Vitamins A, E, D and K. So that means proteins like fish, leafy green and orange veggies like dark lettuce, broccoli, kale and carrots.

Drink plenty of milk for A and D, or if you can't, then use a Vitamin supplement with extra D in it (about 1,000 I.U.).

You should also eat plenty of fruit or fruit juice, for Vitamin C, which protects your immune system and for anti-oxidants. Dark fruits (blackberry, cranberries and pomegranate) have the most of these.

Your skin (and the rest of you) needs essential fatty acids, (Omega 3's and 6's) like ones in nuts and seeds (flaxseed oil is a good supplement if you have a nut allergy).

Try green tea, as it has selenium, which is also good, and stick to whole grains.

Getting plenty of WATER is really important, esp. for those with sleep deprivation. It speeds the elimination of toxins and "plumps up" cells.

AVOID CAFFEINE or at least avoid it as much as you can. You'll be tempted to drink it when you're tired, but a 20 minute nap will rejuvenate you more.

Also, exercise will boost your immune system and help the circulation, which also helps your skin's health. Try to do this outside as much as possible.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||Aging is actually primarily caused by sun damage.

So wear sunscreen daily. Every morning before you leave the house. 90% of skin damage/wrinkles are from the sun.

Washing your face and moisturizing regularly will help keep it looking healthy too.|||SLEEEEP! and mosturize with jurgens anti aging cream

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