Thursday, December 8, 2011

Involuntary demotion.. legal?

I work for a fortune 500 company in Philadelphia. I have been with this company for nearly 4 years, and have been made to feel like an asset, and team player. I have a stellar sales record, and have been recognized by upper management on many occasions as a wonderful employee. In 2008, i was offered a position in a competitors office with more money, and better benefits. I came to my then manager to let her know, this was something i was strongly considering, as i was getting married, and interested in earning more money. She phoned her manager to let them know that i was considering leaving the company, and he promptly met with me and offered to match the earnings, and promote me to a better position. I accepted, as i was happy where i was. Fast forward a few months, I'm in my new position as of the first of the year, with more pay and incentive. My manager has quit, and her manager (that offered me the promotion) is now managing a different area. I went through 2 more managers, and my current manager has now discovered i was never changed in the system as a "full-time" employee. I have been given less hours on the schedule (less than 30), and am now being told that i will not be receiving more hours due to not having the budget to do so. I have asked to be transferred to a different dept, and my managers manager (who is new as well) is refusing to compensate me. I feel like i have been cheated from many promotions (which I'm highly qualified for) by this new manager, and now I feel I'm being demoted from a position i was suppose to have. I have been with this company longer than everyone in my dept, longer than my manager (who i partially trained), and divisional director. I feel there is something legal i can do, please guide me as I will probably quit if this is not a legal issue i can fight.|||unless the "document" is an employment contract spelling out your hours, length of employment pay rate, benefits,etc they are doing nothing illegal, no one is guaranteed a job so therefore no one is guaranteed hours.

you work "at will" which means at their will, you can not force them to give you more hours or a promotion|||No, there is nothing illegal about what happened. You are not guaranteed promotions at a company just because you have been there longer or have more experience.|||Unless you have a written and signed contract to the contrary, you can be promoted or demoted at ANY time for ANY or no reason. Unless you can prove that you were discriminated against because of your gender, age (if over 40), religion, nationality, sexual orientation, etc....there is ZERO legal recourse. Promotions are NEVER a legal entitlement and demotions are just the same. You work for your employer and your employment is to fill THEIR needs....not yours.


Unless that document is signed by BOTH you and your employer, and states that you will retain that position for a set time period, it will be worthless. I have a feeling you are going to pull up an offer letter which is NOT a contract. It basically must read something like "You will be hired as an XXX Position for the period of XX/XX/XXXX through XX/XX/XXXX.

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