Monday, December 12, 2011

I don't know what to do with this situation, I'm a college student but I don't know if to continue!?

I'm 20 years old; I start going to college at the age of 18. I was so excited! High School for me was not I expect to be, My mom though that I won't have a future because for her I never do anything in life. At the age of 17 I start the GED program, I couldn't understand what's the professor was teaching so I decided to take the books to home and teach myself. But for my mother, I was doing anything. At the end of the year by June 2007 I asked my professor to send me to take the exam, Although he didn't feel I was going to pass, he sent me. When I came back from vacation, I Received a letter with my High School Diploma and a over high passin grade 4 every subject. I was happy I Knew that for the first time, my mom would be proud of me. When I start going to college, everything were awesome! But my mom start to push me to get a job saying that I have to stop being so useless, because for her I was doing anything. So I apply for target and got accepted, I love this store but its a retail store and crazy as hell scheduled. On spring fall 2008 my GPA star to fall. My scheduled at target was 3:15-12:00 am. But I didn't want my mom to start saying that I was a worthless. I talked to her and accepted. But the same think start again. She said that I misuse TAP and FAFSA money, but Hey! I worked the entire christmas 2008 days and night over hour; But I didn't take that money for me, I gave it to her! I Don't care about money I just care on making my people happy but its like they forget about me! I'm not a party person I just like to be at home with the love of my family.But this job at school its not the type of job I like, I like a place to move around and etc, Like Target! The main reason that make lead me to decide to start working its to start from the beginning %26amp; get experience, But this is affecting soo much my career. Its showing that I'm a dumb person and I'm not =( My GPA is sooo low!! I Studied sooo hard for this final to get a D in a class just because this damn professor its a maniac! But I realized that its my fault! I'm doing something wrong and what's hurts me more its that my mother can't understand how much this is affecting me!

Because she start working younth, she expect me to do the same think. And what make me proud of me its having things on my own!But there's something I star to think ; If at college per semester, FAFSA and TAP give me $2,500 every semester. excluding $1,500 Workstudy! Total more than $7,000 year. Why I'm loosing that money and earning $3,000 a year by receiving humiliation from managers that make you feel a ****! just because if I exceed that amount my mother won't get Section 8 and help from the government, but in the other hand when she get mad at me she can start saying that she can call the police and kick me out of the house because she pay the rent? Hey Don't get me wrong she's not a bad mother, she's my life I love her so much! But sometimes she make mee feel so useless cuz she can't understand my pain. She always accuses me of the misfortune of her life, but its not my fault that she has taken bad desicions. Desicion that has affect me more than her but im not going to live in the past! She can expect me to be a professional in order to help her in the future if she don't help me to do it! Its like my psychology say when a person don't have a knowledge of what its to be a college students, won't understand what they suffer. I tried to say that to her and she felt offended. She's pushing me to act this way and I don't know what to do. I will defenetively leave target and go back to work on Summer and Christmas time but my school has alway be my priority in life.

I'm stuying business management thinking of being a lawyer bubt almost all my classes are D so I don't kno if to start from the beginning again or finish and transfer to a four year college? I need 20 credits more but being on probation just let me take 7 credits per semester!!|||I agree, stay in college, obtain at least an associates degree. You seriously need to take a beginners english class, your spelling is horrible. What you write, how you speak, both will have an impact on any future job. You put things in your questions like "if she don't help me"; that should have been "if she doesn't help me". Another one was "it's not my fault she has taken bad decicions" which should have been "it's not my fault she has made bad decisions". Don't let this bother you, just take a few english classes and continue to better yourself; it's well worth it!|||Well first of all I think it is a great thing that you are going to college. It is very hard and stressing, especially if you have a job. I think money is something that everyone worries about, especially when the country is going through a depression. Keep your head up. Do what YOU LOVE to do. Just remember, the better education you have the more likely you will have a chance getting a job that pays more....

My recommendation would be to stay in school. Also maybe don't try to take many classes at the same semester and focus on English and Math. I would also go to your county office agency and try to talk to some from an employment agency. Example in CA there is EDD. I think it is easy for a person your age to be discouraged, but keep your head up because in the long run it is well worth it. Good luck and I hope things get better at home.

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