Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to do eyes like camilla belle?

hi so i really love camilla belles eyes or this girl named katrina kaif who has similar eyes. do you guys know what to do and how to get their look for their eyes? like what to do with eyebrows and what kind of mascara and stuff. i want to get their makeup for their eyes look but try to keep it light and not use that much eyeshadow or eye liner|||line your water line with black pencil liner ( i suggest rimmel) then use the same liner to tightline (line close to the lashes) the top lid.. apply some covergirl or mabelline mascara then use silver eyeshaddow under the eye to highlight and in the inner corner.. for eyeshaddow going by this picture (鈥?/a> use a bronze /tan colour and you're done (:

for definition on your brows you might want to use a dark brown brow pencil (dont use black - too harsh) and if you wanna go as far as contacts a pretty bright green colour

good luck ^^|||鈥?/a>

UP THERE HAS ALL PRODUCTS %26amp; mybe some green hazel contacts

How do you say this like in syllables and pronunciation : "belle 芒me" ?

I found out it;s french for beautiful soul.

Thanks to whoever answers this question and to the person who answered my last one! I think it's so cool you're french!|||bell ah-me

Which lipstick is lighter nars BELLE DE JOUR or HONOLULU HONEY?

when i was at sephora they looked exactly the same to me in the tube...its the color im looking for but i was wondering which on comes off as a lighter color?|||sure

How do you spell Julianna Belle in greek?

I love greek mythology!|||is she in greek mythology? doesn't ring a bell! well since i'm greek i would say julianna like we say julia or july in greek is 螜慰蠀位委伪 Ioulia pronounce every i as an e ok? hope i helped|||My best effort would be 螙蠀位蔚伪谓伪 螔蔚位. That's a straight transliteration from the Latin alphabet into the Greek.|||Julianna Belle there is no translation...

Check for yourself -

When can you pick cherry belle radishes?

i do not know when i put them in the ground but they are starting to stick up out of the the ground, my biggest worry is they will rot in the ground.|||They most likely won't rot, but if they get too old and big, they may split an/or get pithy or spongy. If they are 3/4 to one inch in diameter, go ahead and pull them up. You can check by exposing them a little more with your finger. Run your finger gently around one to move the soil out of the way. This will do no damage, and you can leave them if they're not big enough yet, and they'll keep growing fine. Check each one you think is nearly ready. Oh, I'm assuming you have soil you can move easily, like the sand we have here in FL. If you have heavy clay, try this with a tool very carefully.|||You can pick them as soon as they start pushingout of the ground. They won't rot because they will push themselves completely out of the ground. But the longer they stay in the tougher and more bitter they become.

Auditioning for Belle in Beauty and the Beast?

On friday, I have an audition for Beauty and the Beast, and I'm auditioning for Belle. We are singing the first bit of Home, until "never were words so true, my heart's far, far away, home is too".

We have to do a bit of the script just before too, the bit where Belle finds Maurice and takes his place to save him.

Any tips or help? Thank you :)|||smile, stand up straight, and just look confident. you can have an amazing voice but with zero confidence you will get nowhere. good luck with your audition!

How does Camilla Belle stay in shape?

I know none of you (well, maybe only some) know how she stays in shape, but how does she?! Her figure is, like, perfect! So, does anyone have tips??? Thanks! lol|||She is naturally thin. It's called a high metabolism. Yes, there are people who don't gain weight and don't have to work out.

Where can I find an adult Disney Belle blue dress costume?

Everywhere on the internet has the ballroom dress, but I cant seem to find her peasant blue dress anywhere to buy|||adult size belle blue peasant dress is $115. it's custom made to fit your measurements:鈥?/a>|||ebay or amazon|||! Where else?!

Do you think Joe Jonas and Camilla Belle, make a good match?

First of all, I think they look like each other! Haha! And second she's 22 and he's like 18 or 19. I love the Jonas Brothers, but I was just wondering what you guys think.|||They seriously do look like twins! lol but I don't like them together, she seems like a skank to me. Taylor Swift is amazing, I don't know how anyone could breakup with her.|||You Fail at Life. |||The Jonas brothers are ugly so I dont know what the heck she is looking at !! |||She's a moron for going out with a coward who dumped someone over the phone.|||I think he is looking for a girl who looks just like him! They are not very attractive either of them.|||Joe and Nick would be a perfect match.... or maybe, Joe and Kevin.

I'll let you decide. |||i think she's really pretty and i love joe but i personally think its none of our business.

if they are going out....i think its kinda soon considering the whole taylor swift thing but i think we should stay out of it. its his life and he can do what he wants

What do you think of the name Belle?

Not as a nickname to Isabelle, Arabella, Annabelle, etc.. Just Belle.

It has been growing on me alot lately, thanks to Kelsey [Musicalmama] :) I mainly like it as a middle name though, as it seems a little bit incomplete to me as a first name. What do you think of the name Belle, and do you prefer it as a first or middle name?|||I love it, it's a beautiful name, and it means "beautiful" too! I really like French names for girls. Belle is simple, elegant and sweet, and it's a great alternative to the popular Bella, which I don't think ages nearly as well.

I think it could work nicely as a first name, with a more elaborate middle name, but I slightly prefer it as a middle name. I have it on my name list as Magdalena Belle. It flows well with lots of different first names, and it makes a change from Grace, Faith etc. while still being short and sweet.

I'd rate it 9/10!|||I love it, it's one of my favorite Disney Princess names. I also love it more and more now because of the character Belle Black in my favorite Soap Opera, Days Of Our Lives. Tho her character is really Isabella and gets Belle as a nickname. I love it on it's own as with Isabella and Arabella i love the nickname Bella more, and i don't like Isabelle spelled that way as i love it Isobel. So for me i just love it on it's own and i would name a girl Bella and Bella, as i also love Bella on it's own too. Lisa Michelle x x lol x x|||I agree that it sounds incomplete as a first name. Much better as a middle name.

I makes me think of Beauty and the Beast.. I think that was her name.

Belle is quite pretty, and I think it actually means beautiful or something similar.

I find it much better than Bella- It's less common and more sophisticated.

It would go best with a three-syllable first name, I think. Ex. Liana Belle.|||I LOVE the name Belle, and I totally agree with you - it's perfect as a middle name, but I doubt I'd use it as a first name. I think Belle has a really pretty and elegant sound to it - I hate the name Bella, but Belle is gorgeous and it's so much more unusual too. :]|||I think Belle is beautiful, even as a first name. I have a thing for doubled names, like Mary Claire, or Anna Belle ( which is my favorite name in the world), so you could try something like these:

Belle Marie

Belle Chrystine

Belle Kathleen

and then just call her belle. (:

I've been told I have weird taste in names so sorry.|||I adore Belle :) While I personally prefer it as a nickname, I think its also lovely on it's own. I think it works best as a middle name, because (as you said) it seems incomplete as a first name.|||It's very sweet and classic. But, I would be afraid that with all the little Bella's / Isabella's / Isabelle's on the playground, it might get confusing. I think using it for a middle name would be safer.

:D|||I don't really like "Belle."

"Bella" is prettier, but that's just in my opinion. I like them both as middle names, though.|||I prefer it as a middle name, I agree it sounds to imcomplete as a first name (unless its a nickname). Delilah Belle is one of my top ten favorite names.|||I love it as a middle name.

You can put almost any first name in front of it and it will sound great.|||I prefer Belle as a middle name. I very well agree that it is incomplete as a first name.|||I agree that Belle by it's self doesn't sound complete enough for a first name, but makes a good middle name.|||I like Belle, but I agree with you. It seems incomplete as a first name. It's a very pretty middle name :)|||I really like it, both as a first and middle name, but probably more as a middle name :).|||I like Belle :)

I think it works great as a first name and a middle name so its ultimately up to you.|||i love it as a first name its kinda unique|||its ugly

and you do not live in a fairytale.

What does molecular tinkering mean to Tinker Belle?

What is a "tinker"?|||If you put it in a Pan, it lets her play with his Peter.

What is the meaning of being the girl-next-door or a southern belle?

What do people mean when they call someone this? I just moved to the USA. How do they act? what do they do? please help me out. Thanks|||Girl next door is someone within 5 mile radius of where you live

What does the intro to "I'm a cuckoo" (belle & Sebastien) sound like?

Been driving me mad for ages.

The intro sounds very much like something, I've just never been able to put my finger on it. 10pts to anyone who can.

I've heard the song's supposed to sound like the boys are back in town by thin Lizzie, but I don't think that's the song I'm thinking of.|||i wish i knew

What are some plays during la belle epoque?

We need to search some poems du ring the beautiful era. can you give me some? thanks|||Well....Gigi (Lerner/Loewe) and the film Moulin Rouge! (dir: Baz Luhrmann 2001) spring to mind.

Poems? I do not know. You are on your own.

Why do they call girls a southern belle?

What's the belle or bell? how did it come to be?|||"Belle" or "Bella" means Beauty. Southern Belle = Southern Beauty|||Belle i sthe French meaning for beautifull|||When southern girls wore their dresses back in the day, they looked like cute little bells ^_^|||the shape of the big poofy hoop skirts they used to wear.鈥?/a>|||belle: foreign language for beauty. A southern belle would be the beautiful heiress to some landed gentry. After the blatanly illegal civil war, it's really just a term for "high class lady" whatever that means.|||HELLLSSS BELLSSS!!!!|||Belle means beautiful in French. It's the same as saying a Southern Beauty. I looked up the definition, and it's a beautiful and charming woman from Southern United States.

When a Georgia Southern Belle asks you to eat a peach is she talking about forbidden fruit?

mmm peach pie|||Heh, Heh, Heh, Dawg Nose.|||Yes.

Her forbidden fruit. ;)|||No. If a random atheist asks you to eat soup, are they talking about primordial soup?|||I hope so.|||Yes...of a sort.|||depends could be either way depends on how it is said

Does anyone know what kind of attire to wear to the dinner show on the branson belle showboat in missouri?i?

i am from florida and need to know what type of clothes to take with me.also it will be the middle of may when i go so any tips on the weather as well?|||Wear pants, not jeans, and a nice shirt. Also don't wear sneakers or sandals. Ladies go by the same rules, no jeans, a nice shirt, and no sneakers.

Pack a light sweater, a heavy sweater, a medium weight jacket, and a hat. You'll know which one you need to bring the night you'll go.

I'm from Florida, too.

Can you help me find out the Japanese cartoon movie " Belle and Sebastian" in arabic language?

please help me find a website where i can watch and download "Belle and Sebastian" in the Arabic language. I appreciate your help and thank you in advance.|||I found these links鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

hope that's what are you looking for.|||Here it is:

What are some good books that are similar to Belle du Jour and Tease by Immodesty Blaize?

*Original Sin by Tasmina Perry

*Naked Truths by Jo Carnegie

*Confessions of a Working Girl by Miss S

*Girl with a One-track Mind by Abby Lee

*Nancy Chan Novels by Tracy Quan

*Girl in High Heels by Ellouise Moore

*Callgirl by Jenny Angell

How does a Southern Belle act?

I just got done from watching MTV yesterday over Southern Belles and I'm interested in knowing more about it.|||A southern girl with manners and always primp and proper. (GA Girl myself lol)|||Depends what kinda southern belle you wanna be

When do cherry belle radish plants from seed are ready for harvest?

around 22 days after germination or 22 days after being planted?|||I would say approx. 22 days from being seeded. You want to harvest a radish as soon as there is something edible on them. If you let them grow too big they get tough and pithy. You can reseed the area every 2-3 weeks for a continual harvest, too. These are really very easy to grow. Don't over think it!|||I don't pay any attention to the days, I just look at the radishes and if they look big enough to pick, I pick them-- picked a handful this evening in fact. I just chose the bigger ones leaving the small ones for next week.|||I have seen radishes ready to pick in under 3 weeks from planting seeds. Watch them and pick before they get too big.

Help me find a wedding dress that looks similar to Belle's?

Belle from Beauty and the Beast is my favorite princess ever.

My fiance and I are having a Halloween wedding, and I was wondering where I could find a dress that looks like hers...

However, I already looked at Disney Bridal...not exactly my cup of tea, and too overpriced.

So, if anyone else could help, that would be awesome!|||Before I even clicked this I quickly went to search for the Disney ones heh. I love me some Halloween weddings!

Gold dresses:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Kinda ehh about these but they do look similar..鈥?/a>

Here just check them out. A few of their dresses can be ordered in other colors (some in gold):

Same for them:

Check out Quinceanera alot of them come in gold and have that look. be clear you want a gold dress right? Or a white one that looks similar. Here I am sending links to gold ones and that may not be what you want.|||Alfred Angelo has a dress that my mom and I called 'the Belle dress' when I tried them on this past weekend. Unfortunately it's not on their site, but I'd say Alfred Angelo would be a good place to start. They have SO MANY styles with the pickup skirts! The dresses there can come in a 'light gold' option too that is similar to the belle dress from the disney movie =)|||Davids Bridal HAD one a couple of years ago when I was looking with a friend. I'm not sure if they have it anymore though.

I've looked online but how do I find out more about Ashley Belle Dolls?

Origin, Value?|||鈥?/a>

What song contains the lyrics "Can you be my southern belle she said boy hell yeah"?

I live in Akron, Ohio... i hear this song just about every morning on WZIP, the radio station that is run by Akron U.|||I JUST LOOKED UP THIS STATION FOR YOU AND YOU CAN WRITE IN AND ASK WHAT THE SONG'S NAME IS FOR SURE ,THEY'LL ANSWER!

What makes for a southern belle?

I'm from deep GA and can anyone tell me the traditional traits/mannerisms of a "Southern Bell". if that's what they call women from the south then what are northern women called? I'm not trying to be uppidy or saying southerners are better, I'm honestly just curious.|||Northern women are called ladies.|||I have read a good many diaries of women who lived during the Civil War period, and I really think the idea of the historical Southern Belle is predominately a stereotyped, romanticized image.

Let me first talk about the historical context:

A "belle" was a beautiful woman...that's that. North or South, people might say that someone was "the belle of the ball." Today, the social equivalent of a "belle" might be the most popular girl in High School.

In the 19th century, women North and South aspired to be "ladies," a term which had different connotations in different areas. In some areas, a "lady" was an upper-class woman who did no menial work (there were servants for that.) You may have heard the expression, "You can always tell a lady by her hands." (Because she did not work, her hands were very soft.) In other areas a good housewife might qualify as a "lady" if she were also suitably refined, pious, moral, feminine, etc. In the 19th century novel Stepping Heavenward, the heroine's cook is upset because she thinks her mistress is insinuating that she (the cook!) is not a "lady."

Southern middle and upper-class women, because of the presence of slaves, were assumed and even pressured to look as though they lived lives of complete leisure. Having a wife that did not "work" was a sign of upper-class status, which reflected favorably on the husband or father of the family. Having a "leisured" wife and daughters was a form of conspicuous consumption.

Now most Southern wives knew very well that this was all a myth. Most married women had to work and they worked very hard, although most tried to make their work look easy. Even mistresses of large plantations might have to cut out or sew clothing for the slaves, help with butchering and packing of meat, end the sick, keep accounts, etc.

Young Southern women, however, were often exempt from the daily toil. The time between a girl's social "coming out" and her marriage (which might only be a year or two) was a wonderful time in a girl's life, free of most responsibility, time for balls, parties and horseback rides. The wealthiest girls had personal maids to do everything for them; some girls did not even have to brush their own hair. Thus the image of the Southern Belle was born: rich, carefree, lady-like but vivacious, beautifully dressed, etc.

Of course all this came crashing down after the Civil War and reality set in with a vengeance. Those days became draped with nostalgia (like some people today might be nostalgic for high school), and were romanticized by the next generations who saw the lifestyle that their ancestors had lost.

The Modern Belle

When Gone with the Wind came out (as a movie) it further added to this myth with the character of Scarlett O'Hara. Unlike the book, which describes the behind-the-scenes work that the "sleek-haired wives" did from morning to night, the movie is mostly fixated on Scarlett and her teenaged lifestyle of flirtation, hoopskirts, barbecues and dances. In the book, it is Scarlett's mother, Ellen, and her sister-in-law Melanie who are the "great ladies" in the old, smillingly-stoic Southern tradition. They are the steel magnolias, with strength hidden behind a facade of femininity. Scarlett remains more like a spoiled child.

Today, I think people have different images of a "Southern Belle." Sadly, at times this phrase has deteriorated to mean any good-looking "good ol' girl" (i.e. Daisy Duke) who happens to have a Southern accent. In other cases, it can mean a flirtatious, pretty, wealthy Southern girl a la Scarlett O'Hara. At its best, it means a feminine, lady-like, soft-spoken, refined young woman who dresses in a feminine manner.

I hope this helps you. I'm a Southerner (some of my people had a small plantation in Twiggs Co, Ga., ) and a historian studying domestic life and women's 19th century clothing.|||I don't know what northern girls are called and I'm from the north..haha :]

but southern belles are usually displayed as nice, they know how to cook, are respectful, are beautiful, and have a southern accent.|||It's more than just attitude and accent that makes a Southern Belle.

Who holds the copyright on the image of the "Memphis Belle"?

The girl with her back to the viewer, phone in her hand.|||Hi! Copyright records of works registered and documents recorded by the U.S. Copyright Office since January 1, 1978 may be searched in a catalog found at this link, as well as how to find information regarding earlier works. There is even a tutorial available:

Additionally, the Office of Copyright will do a search of a particular item for you, at the cost of $100-$150.00.

Hope this helps you. Best wishes!

Collectors Wnat to buy Belle Dolls/Items fro disneys Beauty And The Beast?All Are still in box?

All dolls are MIB condition, never taken out.Also have several snowglobes. One hard to find Castle w/Lights and Music.Willing to part with all.Can e-mail pictures if asked to|||Not sure this is a proper place to sell items, just think of what the site would turn in to if all we had were classified ad after ad.

How do you pronounce the French title 'La Belle Dame sans Merci'?

Please spell it how it sounds-thanks.|||"lah bell dahm sawhn mair see"

The "n" in "sawhn" is nasal, if you can say that.|||lah bell dam son mare-see

But don't pronounce the "n", it's a kind of nasal sound|||la bell dam sanh mer see

Do you think that Camilla Belle is beutiful?

I was watching this movie 10 000 BC and i saw this girl Camilla Belle. She was beutiful. Actually she was like an angel because she was the most beutiful girl i have ever seen. It was not like i just saw her and thought she was hot but she was so beutiful. Im only 15 but ever since i watched that i can never stop thinking about her. She was like no other girl i have ever seen. Why do i feel this way about her?|||yeah she's stunning :) %26amp; you probably only feel that way because maybe she looks different to anyone you've ever seen before.. it'll pass|||The Jonas Brothers all thought she was beautiful as well. To be honest, I don't see it. She's not that pretty in my opinion.

sorry :D

I have a photo of belle hill bexhill on sea frame says 1893?

I think its an old photo of Belle Hill in bexhill on sea east sussex its in an old dark wood frame with the date 1873...any Ideas if its worth selling?|||Old pics like that seldom fetch more than $50. I'd keep it.

Monday, December 12, 2011

So, If you were in this confused situation about your future what would do? college lilfe 10pnts?

I'm 20 years old college student in probation. History, Eco, Astronomy, Marketing, Business Law all D+ ..Finance A+... French,COMMUNICATIONS, Geometry, Accounting C+. Keyboard, ESL 02 nd 03 A+ ENG 09 B. Reading 1 nd 2 B. I have 39 credits going to my 6 semester. So embarrassing I know! Should I start from the beginning? I don't want these to affect my future career. I will like to transfer to a 4 years college. I just realized that I've being wasting all this two years studying business management. I'm a genius in computers but I do not see myself all day sitting in an office using this on a boring day.I love helping others; Moving around, so I start working at target to gain experience I don't need the money. .I have seen many managers using their power to make feel employees worthless. Their Main goal is to make profit; nd **** ppl. People working in retail store are always complaining about their life %26amp; salary I know it would be very difficult for me to cut employees hours or if there's one who doesn't do his job completely nd I don't want to be anyone Nanny . Personal Manager was an option, but money from others? Nah! what I like best is help people in unjust situations.

Don't know what's so special from me but everyone is so nice with me; When I'm at work I'm always there to help and when I said always is Always. I don't do it for a better position, Naah! I don't care if I'm n break time or in my way to I helped them!. Sometimes I feel so bad because they tried to start a conversation but I fail to understand them clearly. I Need to improve my English!! I love so much this language its so beautiful; Ppl speak with so much patience and respect..

I always wanted to be a lawyer but the truth main reason whom stopped me was my English. I gained so much experience %26amp; maturity from this situation. I learned how to take time to read with patience while using a dictionary as helped. Work has been one of the main reason . Although I was accepted to work days out of my college scheduled, I needed time to study %26amp; manage my time but this routing hrs is crazy!!! While not everything is bad, at the store I learned how to understand other concerns and handle my English matter. I would like to major n something bout computer or should I do this now or after transfer to a 4 years college? so go to a Law school and complete my dream!! :-D . I will like something that involved computers but not art or sitting down working n a chair . I want something cool risky and excited. I know how to analysis situations and make good decisions. My friends called me a Risk-Taker. I was thinking about psychology or counselor but I hate to repeat the same stuff all the time. My options are; Prosecutor, Law enforcement; Computer-based crime. I will try to resolve this problem at work, manage my scheduled or good bye Target. I will study hard to better my English and better my GPA ( omq I sound political, should I be a politic? Lolz) so yeah I need help from ppl that have experienced or have knowledge this situation, what's the best option to take. I don't want to keep falling n same mistakes over over over and over. I'm kind of old to be in this, should have finish college already. =(|||go for it|||This is what guidance counclers are for. Im sure ur school has one.|||no one give a Fu**k|||Well after reading your intire post, I can safely say I am thoroughly confused about what your trying to say,

Don't fret however! Like the guy above me suggested, you should visit a guidence counsiler, your paying them enough money! Send them to work!

So, If you were in this confused situation about your future what would do? college lilfe 10pnts?

I'm 20 years old college student in probation. History, Eco, Astronomy, Marketing, Business Law all D+ ..Finance A+... French,COMMUNICATIONS, Geometry, Accounting C+. Keyboard, ESL 02 nd 03 A+ ENG 09 B. Reading 1 nd 2 B. I have 39 credits going to my 6 semester. So embarrassing I know! Should I start from the beginning? I don't want these to affect my future career. I will like to transfer to a 4 years college. I just realized that I've being wasting all this two years studying business management. I'm a genius in computers but I do not see myself all day sitting in an office using this on a boring day.I love helping others; Moving around, so I start working at target to gain experience I don't need the money. .I have seen many managers using their power to make feel employees worthless. Their Main goal is to make profit; nd **** ppl. People working in retail store are always complaining about their life %26amp; salary I know it would be very difficult for me to cut employees hours or if there's one who doesn't do his job completely nd I don't want to be anyone Nanny . Personal Manager was an option, but money from others? Nah! what I like best is help people in unjust situations.

Don't know what's so special from me but everyone is so nice with me; When I'm at work I'm always there to help and when I said always is Always. I don't do it for a better position, Naah! I don't care if I'm n break time or in my way to I helped them!. Sometimes I feel so bad because they tried to start a conversation but I fail to understand them clearly. I Need to improve my English!! I love so much this language its so beautiful; Ppl speak with so much patience and respect..

I always wanted to be a lawyer but the truth main reason whom stopped me was my English. I gained so much experience %26amp; maturity from this situation. I learned how to take time to read with patience while using a dictionary as helped. Work has been one of the main reason . Although I was accepted to work days out of my college scheduled, I needed time to study %26amp; manage my time but this routing hrs is crazy!!! While not everything is bad, at the store I learned how to understand other concerns and handle my English matter. I would like to major n something bout computer or should I do this now or after transfer to a 4 years college? so go to a Law school and complete my dream!! :-D . I will like something that involved computers but not art or sitting down working n a chair . I want something cool risky and excited. I know how to analysis situations and make good decisions. My friends called me a Risk-Taker. I was thinking about psychology or counselor but I hate to repeat the same stuff all the time. My options are; Prosecutor, Law enforcement; Computer-based crime. I will try to resolve this problem at work, manage my scheduled or good bye Target. I will study hard to better my English and better my GPA ( omq I sound political, should I be a politic? Lolz) so yeah I need help from ppl that have experienced or have knowledge this situation, what's the best option to take. I don't want to keep falling n same mistakes over over over and over. I'm kind of old to be in this, should have finish college already. =(|||.|||If you're a student your issues can be many and varied, from Deciding upon your career road to searching for a temporary job. The site in the box below has loads of tips for students, and they have info concerning job searching aswell.

So, If you were in this confused situation about your future what would do? college lilfe 10pnts?

I'm 20 years old college student in probation. History, Eco, Astronomy, Marketing, Business Law all D+ ..Finance A+... French,COMMUNICATIONS, Geometry, Accounting C+. Keyboard, ESL 02 nd 03 A+ ENG 09 B. Reading 1 nd 2 B. I have 39 credits going to my 6 semester. So embarrassing I know! Should I start from the beginning? I don't want these to affect my future career. I will like to transfer to a 4 years college. I just realized that I've being wasting all this two years studying business management. I'm a genius in computers but I do not see myself all day sitting in an office using this on a boring day.I love helping others; Moving around, so I start working at target to gain experience I don't need the money. .I have seen many managers using their power to make feel employees worthless. Their Main goal is to make profit; nd **** ppl. People working in retail store are always complaining about their life %26amp; salary I know it would be very difficult for me to cut employees hours or if there's one who doesn't do his job completely nd I don't want to be anyone Nanny . Personal Manager was an option, but money from others? Nah! what I like best is help people in unjust situations.

Don't know what's so special from me but everyone is so nice with me; When I'm at work I'm always there to help and when I said always is Always. I don't do it for a better position, Naah! I don't care if I'm n break time or in my way to I helped them!. Sometimes I feel so bad because they tried to start a conversation but I fail to understand them clearly. I Need to improve my English!! I love so much this language its so beautiful; Ppl speak with so much patience and respect..

I always wanted to be a lawyer but the truth main reason whom stopped me was my English. I gained so much experience %26amp; maturity from this situation. I learned how to take time to read with patience while using a dictionary as helped. Work has been one of the main reason . Although I was accepted to work days out of my college scheduled, I needed time to study %26amp; manage my time but this routing hrs is crazy!!! While not everything is bad, at the store I learned how to understand other concerns and handle my English matter. I would like to major n something bout computer or should I do this now or after transfer to a 4 years college? so go to a Law school and complete my dream!! :-D . I will like something that involved computers but not art or sitting down working n a chair . I want something cool risky and excited. I know how to analysis situations and make good decisions. My friends called me a Risk-Taker. I was thinking about psychology or counselor but I hate to repeat the same stuff all the time. My options are; Prosecutor, Law enforcement; Computer-based crime. I will try to resolve this problem at work, manage my scheduled or good bye Target. I will study hard to better my English and better my GPA ( omq I sound political, should I be a politic? Lolz) so yeah I need help from ppl that have experienced or have knowledge this situation, what's the best option to take. I don't want to keep falling n same mistakes over over over and over. I'm kind of old to be in this, should have finish college already. =(|||Well - you are still young and have lots of time - Take a good look at your transcript and see what you can scrap up and put towards a degree. Take a career class to explore different careers and see what you like. Then pick a degree to work towards and work with a counselor - and do not take classes solely to fill time in your schedule. And get a new job interning somewhere. The main thing you can do is speak with a counselor.

Any one intreseted for International Training Programme on HDM-4, Please contact on

International Course on Dissemination of HDM-4

8-19 October. 2007

Central Road Research Institute shall conduct the 10th HDM-4 program at CRRI, which is already announced in CRRI website ( International Organizations such as PIARC, World Bank, TRRB, ARRB etc. recognizes CRRI as Asia Pacific Center of this training program.

Highway and Transport Professionals (Engineers, Planners and Economists) working in Government and Private Sectors are welcome to attend this course. Participants should be at least assistant engineers or above with good experience in MS Excel, Word etc. and associated with Highway construction and maintenance projects or Traffic %26amp; Transport Demand Estimation or Economic analysis of Highway projects. Pavement maintenance management and Economic evaluation of road projects are disseminated through this course. Above 200 professionals who have participated before from India and abroad have been benefitted so far.

In this course, foundation lectures on HDM-4 software overview, data collection, road deterioration, pavement maintenance methods and simulation models, pavement management, traffic estimation and economic evaluation will be delivered for first two days by the experts, which are the basic requirements for using HDM-4. Next eight days will be devoted for the development of operational Skill in HDM-4 and case studies through brief presentations, spreadsheet analysis, hands-on, tutorials and one to one interaction. Special topics such as model calibration, strategy and program analysis will also be covered.

Willing professionals may register by sending an e-mail or letter to the course organizer to T.K. Amla, Head, Information, Liaison %26amp; Training Division or course coordinator latest by 30th September, 2007. Admission will be made only after receiving the course fee on or before 8th October, 2007. Program schedule will be sent to registered persons.


Course Duration For Candidates from SAARC Countries Other Country Candidates For Ph.D Students

(Must be introduced by their Head of Department)

10 Days

INR Rs. 25,000/- or USD 600

USD 700

INR 20,000/-

Fee include computer facility, internet browsing, course material, airport transfer, transport from the hotels/ guest houses, Tea and Lunch in working days, technical tour and does not include the cost of boarding and lodging. Guest House / Hostel facility at CRRI may be booked for the confirmed participants (if requested in advance) by the organizer on first come first serve basis during course duration and the charges are as per prevailing rule of CSIR. Demand Drafts may be drawn in favour of Central Road Research Institute Payable at New Delhi, India.

Contact address for sending nomination : Contact address for inquiry:

Sh. T.K. Amla

Course Organizer and

Head, Information, Liaison %26amp; Training Division

Central Road Research Institute,

Delhi-Mathura Road,

New Delhi 110 020, INDIA


Mobile No.: 91-9810295281,

飥?91-11-26845943, 26830480


Dr. D. Mukhopadhya

HDM-4 Course Coordinator

Central Road Research Institute,

Delhi-Mathura Road,

New Delhi 110 020, INDIA


飥?91-11-26845943, 26830480

email:|||Send me the detailes.|||What?

Can someone help me to set up this linear programming question?

I don't need you to solve it but I would like you to set up its linear programming model for me since the only thing that I got stuck with this problem is I am unable to transfer the given information into mathematical terms. Many thanks in advance.

The question is as follows:

Brenda, a university student, is considering seven 3 credit hour courses which are shown on the following table. Also included are the average number of hours she expects to have to devote to each course each week and her minimum expected grade in each course.

Courses Average Hours per week Minimum Grade.

Management. 5 B

Principles of Accounting. 10 C

Corporate Finance. 8 C

Quantitative Methods. 12 D

Marketing Management. 7 C

C Programming. 10 D

English Literature. 8 B

Edit: The table is out of format when I copy and posted it onto yahoo answers from excel. Numbers under the column titled "Average hours per week" of the table are the average hours per week for each corresponding course. Similarily, Letters under the next column titled "Minimum grade" of the table are the minimum grades for each corresponding course.

An A in a course earns 4 quality credits per hour, a B earns 3 quality credits, a C earns 2 quality credits, a D earns 1 quality credits, and a F earns no quality credit per hour. Brenda wants to select a schedule that will provide at least a 2.0 grade point average. She must take at least 12 credit hours. Brenda would like to take no more than two of these courses: Principles of Accounting, Corporate Finance, Quantitative methods and C programming. She needs to take at least three of the following courses: Management, Principles of accounting, C programming, and English. Brenda wants to develop a course schedule that will minimise the number of hours she has to work each week.


Formulate a 0-1 integer linear programming model for this problem.|||I'm sorry but I don't have much time to actually get into creating the linear program (LP).

It seems that you're dealing with binary LP here since you use 0 and 1.

Well, your objective function would be to minimize the number of hours she has to do per week. So,

Minimize z = 5(x1) + 10(x2) + 8(x3) + 12(x4) + 7(x5) + 10(x6) + 8(x7)

Some of your constraints would include not earning an F in quality credit per hour; taking certain courses; and the most important: defining binary integer variables, i.e. xi = (0,1)

This is quite a long bLP. Best wishes to you!

Chosee the best answer ..human resource mangement....?

Due date for quiz submission is Thursday, 1st November, 2007

1. _________ is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees, attending to their labor relations, health and safety and fairness concerns.

a. Labor Relations

b. Organizational Behavior

c. Human Resource Management

d. Organizational Health and Safety Management

2. Which of these refers to the temporary, part-time and self-employed workers?

a. Internal labor force

b. Contingent work force

c. High-performance work systems

d. Downsized employees

3. Which basic function of management includes delegating authority to subordinates and establishing channels of communication?

a. Planning

b. Organizing

c. Leading

d. Staffing

4. Over the past 25 years, all of these areas of legal environment have influenced HRM except:

a. Equal employment opportunity legislation

b. Employees pay and benefits

c. Employee competition legislation

d. Job security

5. One of the most popular methods of increasing employee responsibility and control is _______.

a. Outsourcing

b. "Military model" of management


d. Work teams

6. Which of these is a major dimension of HRM practices contributing to company competitiveness?

a. Compensating human resources

b. Acquiring and preparing human resources

c. Managing the human resource environment

d. All of the given options

7. How has technology changed HRM practices?

a. Recruiting using the web generates smaller, more focused applicant pools.

b. Employee training is offered through scheduled classes rather than on demand.

c. Electronic resumes take less time to evaluate than paper resumes.

d. None of the given options.

8. How do companies facilitate workforce diversity?

a. Rely on external support systems for minority workers.

b. Encourage employees to challenge the beliefs and values of other employees.

c. Build in accountability through surveys and audits.

d. Reinforce traditional values.

9. Employee involvement requires extensive additional HRM activity in which of these areas?

a. Training

b. Benefits

c. Labor negotiation

d. Marketing

10. Managers who meet designated goals are _______.

a. Assertive

b. Efficient

c. Effective

d. Entitled

11. David conducts new employee orientation for a large organization. His work is within which basic HRM function?

a. Management

b. Motivation

c. Career planning

d. Training and development

12. Employee relations specialists are involved in which of these activities?

a. Handling employee complaints

b. Working with position control specialists in compensation

c. Negotiating benefits packages

d. Coordinating interview schedules

13. The father of scientific management is ________.

a. Deming

b. Burns

c. Taylor

d. Hawthorne

14. A large organization is an EEO employer with an affirmative action plan. Which of these activities is performed as part of the plan?

a. All job applicants must have a recommendation from current or past employee

b. Insurance premiums from former employers of all applicants are analyzed

c. Job requirements are determined based on skills, knowledge and abilities

d. Job announcements are posted on the company bulletin board

15. Which of these items would be in the highest security category of a typical HRIS?

a. Employee name

b. Former employers

c. Salary

d. Work location

16. Which of these decreases in the labor supply is the easiest to predict?

a. Transfers-in

b. Retirements

c. Voluntary quits

d. Prolonged illnesses

17. Wal-Mart differentiates its business by offering the lowest prices. Offering the lowest prices is Wal-Mart鈥檚 _________.

a. Functional strategy

b. Competitive advantage

c. Distinctive competence

d. Corporate strategy

18. __________ is the process of assessing progress toward strategic goals and taking corrective action as needed.

a. Strategic management

b. Strategic planning

c. Strategic control

d. Diversification

19. _________ is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others and to give orders.

a. Leadership

b. Authority

c. Delegation

d. Management

20. Which of the following is considered a qualitative approach to job analysis?

a. Position analysis questionnaire

b. Interviews

c. Department of Labor approach

d. Functional job analysis|||Really, Night Owl is right. And just how long did it take you to type all that?|||c' your homework. This section isn't so you can have someone else do the work for you. Read the book and get the answers. Most of them are pretty obvious anyway...

I don't know what to do with this situation, I'm a college student but I don't know if to continue!?

I'm 20 years old; I start going to college at the age of 18. I was so excited! High School for me was not I expect to be, My mom though that I won't have a future because for her I never do anything in life. At the age of 17 I start the GED program, I couldn't understand what's the professor was teaching so I decided to take the books to home and teach myself. But for my mother, I was doing anything. At the end of the year by June 2007 I asked my professor to send me to take the exam, Although he didn't feel I was going to pass, he sent me. When I came back from vacation, I Received a letter with my High School Diploma and a over high passin grade 4 every subject. I was happy I Knew that for the first time, my mom would be proud of me. When I start going to college, everything were awesome! But my mom start to push me to get a job saying that I have to stop being so useless, because for her I was doing anything. So I apply for target and got accepted, I love this store but its a retail store and crazy as hell scheduled. On spring fall 2008 my GPA star to fall. My scheduled at target was 3:15-12:00 am. But I didn't want my mom to start saying that I was a worthless. I talked to her and accepted. But the same think start again. She said that I misuse TAP and FAFSA money, but Hey! I worked the entire christmas 2008 days and night over hour; But I didn't take that money for me, I gave it to her! I Don't care about money I just care on making my people happy but its like they forget about me! I'm not a party person I just like to be at home with the love of my family.But this job at school its not the type of job I like, I like a place to move around and etc, Like Target! The main reason that make lead me to decide to start working its to start from the beginning %26amp; get experience, But this is affecting soo much my career. Its showing that I'm a dumb person and I'm not =( My GPA is sooo low!! I Studied sooo hard for this final to get a D in a class just because this damn professor its a maniac! But I realized that its my fault! I'm doing something wrong and what's hurts me more its that my mother can't understand how much this is affecting me!

Because she start working younth, she expect me to do the same think. And what make me proud of me its having things on my own!But there's something I star to think ; If at college per semester, FAFSA and TAP give me $2,500 every semester. excluding $1,500 Workstudy! Total more than $7,000 year. Why I'm loosing that money and earning $3,000 a year by receiving humiliation from managers that make you feel a ****! just because if I exceed that amount my mother won't get Section 8 and help from the government, but in the other hand when she get mad at me she can start saying that she can call the police and kick me out of the house because she pay the rent? Hey Don't get me wrong she's not a bad mother, she's my life I love her so much! But sometimes she make mee feel so useless cuz she can't understand my pain. She always accuses me of the misfortune of her life, but its not my fault that she has taken bad desicions. Desicion that has affect me more than her but im not going to live in the past! She can expect me to be a professional in order to help her in the future if she don't help me to do it! Its like my psychology say when a person don't have a knowledge of what its to be a college students, won't understand what they suffer. I tried to say that to her and she felt offended. She's pushing me to act this way and I don't know what to do. I will defenetively leave target and go back to work on Summer and Christmas time but my school has alway be my priority in life.

I'm stuying business management thinking of being a lawyer bubt almost all my classes are D so I don't kno if to start from the beginning again or finish and transfer to a four year college? I need 20 credits more but being on probation just let me take 7 credits per semester!!|||Hello.

If you really want to finish college, you should try always your very best on your studies. College life is so damn difficult. but many have survived it, right?. So you also can survive it, just don't let your emotions play on you, be serious on all of the times. :D

If this is the time, do it, and change everything. It's not too late to lose hope. Just be straight and serious, you can do it. :D

I'm taking up Information Technology and damn it's so hard, but I don't easily give up on everything. :D|||Given your sentence structure and punctuation I would say drop out now and save your money. Granted I couldn't get passed the 3rd sentence.|||you sound hot... i would nail you...

didnt read your essay but still i am turned on....

call me i am waiting for you

i want to pute you on probation.... my probe a tion..

thanks talk to you soon!!!!|||It is a extremely confusing and long story. Sorry I could not make head or tail out of it.|||You should stay in college. It's really important. Soon you won't be able to get a job without a college diploma. Try to find classes and a major that will keep your interest. Maybe you should start over and get a fresh start. I hope I helped.|||42|||just keep going part might feel like chaos now...............but you will over come.........just don"t quit......quiting is never an option.

I don't know what to do with this situation, I'm a college student but I don't know if to continue!?

I'm 20 years old; I start going to college at the age of 18. I was so excited! High School for me was not I expect to be, My mom though that I won't have a future because for her I never do anything in life. At the age of 17 I start the GED program, I couldn't understand what's the professor was teaching so I decided to take the books to home and teach myself. But for my mother, I was doing anything. At the end of the year by June 2007 I asked my professor to send me to take the exam, Although he didn't feel I was going to pass, he sent me. When I came back from vacation, I Received a letter with my High School Diploma and a over high passin grade 4 every subject. I was happy I Knew that for the first time, my mom would be proud of me. When I start going to college, everything were awesome! But my mom start to push me to get a job saying that I have to stop being so useless, because for her I was doing anything. So I apply for target and got accepted, I love this store but its a retail store and crazy as hell scheduled. On spring fall 2008 my GPA star to fall. My scheduled at target was 3:15-12:00 am. But I didn't want my mom to start saying that I was a worthless. I talked to her and accepted. But the same think start again. She said that I misuse TAP and FAFSA money, but Hey! I worked the entire christmas 2008 days and night over hour; But I didn't take that money for me, I gave it to her! I Don't care about money I just care on making my people happy but its like they forget about me! I'm not a party person I just like to be at home with the love of my family.But this job at school its not the type of job I like, I like a place to move around and etc, Like Target! The main reason that make lead me to decide to start working its to start from the beginning %26amp; get experience, But this is affecting soo much my career. Its showing that I'm a dumb person and I'm not =( My GPA is sooo low!! I Studied sooo hard for this final to get a D in a class just because this damn professor its a maniac! But I realized that its my fault! I'm doing something wrong and what's hurts me more its that my mother can't understand how much this is affecting me!

Because she start working younth, she expect me to do the same think. And what make me proud of me its having things on my own!But there's something I star to think ; If at college per semester, FAFSA and TAP give me $2,500 every semester. excluding $1,500 Workstudy! Total more than $7,000 year. Why I'm loosing that money and earning $3,000 a year by receiving humiliation from managers that make you feel a ****! just because if I exceed that amount my mother won't get Section 8 and help from the government, but in the other hand when she get mad at me she can start saying that she can call the police and kick me out of the house because she pay the rent? Hey Don't get me wrong she's not a bad mother, she's my life I love her so much! But sometimes she make mee feel so useless cuz she can't understand my pain. She always accuses me of the misfortune of her life, but its not my fault that she has taken bad desicions. Desicion that has affect me more than her but im not going to live in the past! She can expect me to be a professional in order to help her in the future if she don't help me to do it! Its like my psychology say when a person don't have a knowledge of what its to be a college students, won't understand what they suffer. I tried to say that to her and she felt offended. She's pushing me to act this way and I don't know what to do. I will defenetively leave target and go back to work on Summer and Christmas time but my school has alway be my priority in life.

I'm stuying business management thinking of being a lawyer bubt almost all my classes are D so I don't kno if to start from the beginning again or finish and transfer to a four year college? I need 20 credits more but being on probation just let me take 7 credits per semester!!|||I agree, stay in college, obtain at least an associates degree. You seriously need to take a beginners english class, your spelling is horrible. What you write, how you speak, both will have an impact on any future job. You put things in your questions like "if she don't help me"; that should have been "if she doesn't help me". Another one was "it's not my fault she has taken bad decicions" which should have been "it's not my fault she has made bad decisions". Don't let this bother you, just take a few english classes and continue to better yourself; it's well worth it!|||Well first of all I think it is a great thing that you are going to college. It is very hard and stressing, especially if you have a job. I think money is something that everyone worries about, especially when the country is going through a depression. Keep your head up. Do what YOU LOVE to do. Just remember, the better education you have the more likely you will have a chance getting a job that pays more....

My recommendation would be to stay in school. Also maybe don't try to take many classes at the same semester and focus on English and Math. I would also go to your county office agency and try to talk to some from an employment agency. Example in CA there is EDD. I think it is easy for a person your age to be discouraged, but keep your head up because in the long run it is well worth it. Good luck and I hope things get better at home.

I don't know what to do with this situation, I'm a college student but I don't know if to continue!?

I'm 20 years old; I start going to college at the age of 18. I was so excited! High School for me was not I expect to be, My mom though that I won't have a future because for her I never do anything in life. At the age of 17 I start the GED program, I couldn't understand what's the professor was teaching so I decided to take the books to home and teach myself. But for my mother, I was doing anything. At the end of the year by June 2007 I asked my professor to send me to take the exam, Although he didn't feel I was going to pass, he sent me. When I came back from vacation, I Received a letter with my High School Diploma and a over high passin grade 4 every subject. I was happy I Knew that for the first time, my mom would be proud of me. When I start going to college, everything were awesome! But my mom start to push me to get a job saying that I have to stop being so useless, because for her I was doing anything. So I apply for target and got accepted, I love this store but its a retail store and crazy as hell scheduled. On spring fall 2008 my GPA star to fall. My scheduled at target was 3:15-12:00 am. But I didn't want my mom to start saying that I was a worthless. I talked to her and accepted. But the same think start again. She said that I misuse TAP and FAFSA money, but Hey! I worked the entire christmas 2008 days and night over hour; But I didn't take that money for me, I gave it to her! I Don't care about money I just care on making my people happy but its like they forget about me! I'm not a party person I just like to be at home with the love of my family.But this job at school its not the type of job I like, I like a place to move around and etc, Like Target! The main reason that make lead me to decide to start working its to start from the beginning %26amp; get experience, But this is affecting soo much my career. Its showing that I'm a dumb person and I'm not =( My GPA is sooo low!! I Studied sooo hard for this final to get a D in a class just because this damn professor its a maniac! But I realized that its my fault! I'm doing something wrong and what's hurts me more its that my mother can't understand how much this is affecting me!

Because she start working younth, she expect me to do the same think. And what make me proud of me its having things on my own!But there's something I star to think ; If at college per semester, FAFSA and TAP give me $2,500 every semester. excluding $1,500 Workstudy! Total more than $7,000 year. Why I'm loosing that money and earning $3,000 a year by receiving humiliation from managers that make you feel a ****! just because if I exceed that amount my mother won't get Section 8 and help from the government, but in the other hand when she get mad at me she can start saying that she can call the police and kick me out of the house because she pay the rent? Hey Don't get me wrong she's not a bad mother, she's my life I love her so much! But sometimes she make Me feel so useless cuz she can't understand my pain. She always accuses me of the misfortune of her life, but its not my fault that she has taken bad desicions. Desicion that has affect me more than her but im not going to live in the past! She can expect me to be a professional in order to help her in the future if she don't help me to do it! Its like my psychology say when a person don't have a knowledge of what its to be a college students, won't understand what they suffer. I tried to say that to her and she felt offended. She's pushing me to act this way and I don't know what to do. I will defenetively leave target and go back to work on Summer and Christmas time but my school has alway be my priority in life.

I'm stuying business management and almost all my classes are D so I don't knof if to start from the beginning again and finish and transfer to a four year college? I need 20 credits more and being on probation just let me take 7 credits per semester!!|||For starters as difficult as this may be for you to read you are an adult with the ability to make decisions for yourself and this has absolutely nothing to do with how good your mother is. If you want to go to university and get your degree then that decision is yours to make, not your mother. Granted she may call you names and make you feel worthless. However you can minimize your contact, go to school in another town, choose not to talk to her, and be assertive with her by lettering her know you are in charge of your life. Until you take steps to make decisions for yourself regardless of your mother feels about them and accept responsibility for them then succeeding at university will not be an option.

In your current situation if your major is business management and you have all Ds then it will not get you off of academic probation and it is too low of grades to transfer to another school. Additionally the Ds may not count to fulfilling your requirement for your major which means you have passed but will need to retake them in order to graduate. The best thing for you to do is read your school's policies on academic probation, requirements for graduation, requirements for this major, and understand the impact that Ds may have for you. Another thing you may want to consider is cutting back on the number of hours you are working to less than 20 with a schedule that works for you and look to live on campus. By living on campus it might give you the emotional support you need and help you develop friendships so that you do not feel so bad.|||You need to stop listening to your mom.

You're 20, you're an adult, and this is YOUR life. If you think she's pushing you the wrong way, then ignore her. It's not easy, I know that, but that's what you need to do. I'm sure she's a fantastic mother in lots of ways, but guiding your future is not one of them. It's not right for her to make you feel useless and to put pressure on you to work. Please, for your own sake, take control of your life and do whatever needs to be done to graduate with high grades. She will probably be angry that you're disobeying her, but she will always love you.

Working while in university is very hard, as you have discovered. So, focus on your studies instead. It's ok to have debts after you graduate, most people do.

So, If you were in this confused situation about your future what would do? college lilfe 10pnts?

I'm 20 years old college student in probation. History, Eco, Astronomy, Marketing, Business Law all D+ ..Finance A+... French,COMMUNICATIONS, Geometry, Accounting C+. Keyboard, ESL 02 nd 03 A+ ENG 09 B. Reading 1 nd 2 B. I have 39 credits going to my 6 semester. So embarrassing I know! Should I start from the beginning? I don't want these to affect my future career. I will like to transfer to a 4 years college. I just realized that I've being wasting all this two years studying business management. I'm a genius in computers but I do not see myself all day sitting in an office using this on a boring day.I love helping others; Moving around, so I start working at target to gain experience I don't need the money. .I have seen many managers using their power to make feel employees worthless. Their Main goal is to make profit; nd **** ppl. People working in retail store are always complaining about their life %26amp; salary I know it would be very difficult for me to cut employees hours or if there's one who doesn't do his job completely nd I don't want to be anyone Nanny . Personal Manager was an option, but money from others? Nah! what I like best is help people in unjust situations.

Don't know what's so special from me but everyone is so nice with me; When I'm at work I'm always there to help and when I said always is Always. I don't do it for a better position, Naah! I don't care if I'm n break time or in my way to I helped them!. Sometimes I feel so bad because they tried to start a conversation but I fail to understand them clearly. I Need to improve my English!! I love so much this language its so beautiful; Ppl speak with so much patience and respect..

I always wanted to be a lawyer but the truth main reason whom stopped me was my English. I gained so much experience %26amp; maturity from this situation. I learned how to take time to read with patience while using a dictionary as helped. Work has been one of the main reason . Although I was accepted to work days out of my college scheduled, I needed time to study %26amp; manage my time but this routing hrs is crazy!!! While not everything is bad, at the store I learned how to understand other concerns and handle my English matter. I would like to major n something bout computer or should I do this now or after transfer to a 4 years college? so go to a Law school and complete my dream!! :-D . I will like something that involved computers but not art or sitting down working n a chair . I want something cool risky and excited. I know how to analysis situations and make good decisions. My friends called me a Risk-Taker. I was thinking about psychology or counselor but I hate to repeat the same stuff all the time. My options are; Prosecutor, Law enforcement; Computer-based crime. I will try to resolve this problem at work, manage my scheduled or good bye Target. I will study hard to better my English and better my GPA ( omq I sound political, should I be a politic? Lolz) so yeah I need help from ppl that have experienced or have knowledge this situation, what's the best option to take. I don't want to keep falling n same mistakes over over over and over. I'm kind of old to be in this, should have finish college already. =(|||sure go for it once again

So, If you were in this confused situation about your future what would do? college lilfe 10pnts?

I'm 20 years old college student in probation. History, Eco, Astronomy, Marketing, Business Law all D+ ..Finance A+... French,COMMUNICATIONS, Geometry, Accounting C+. Keyboard, ESL 02 nd 03 A+ ENG 09 B. Reading 1 nd 2 B. I have 39 credits going to my 6 semester. So embarrassing I know! Should I start from the beginning? I don't want these to affect my future career. I will like to transfer to a 4 years college. I just realized that I've being wasting all this two years studying business management. I'm a genius in computers but I do not see myself all day sitting in an office using this on a boring day.I love helping others; Moving around, so I start working at target to gain experience I don't need the money. .I have seen many managers using their power to make feel employees worthless. Their Main goal is to make profit; nd **** ppl. People working in retail store are always complaining about their life %26amp; salary I know it would be very difficult for me to cut employees hours or if there's one who doesn't do his job completely nd I don't want to be anyone Nanny . Personal Manager was an option, but money from others? Nah! what I like best is help people in unjust situations.

Don't know what's so special from me but everyone is so nice with me; When I'm at work I'm always there to help and when I said always is Always. I don't do it for a better position, Naah! I don't care if I'm n break time or in my way to I helped them!. Sometimes I feel so bad because they tried to start a conversation but I fail to understand them clearly. I Need to improve my English!! I love so much this language its so beautiful; Ppl speak with so much patience and respect..

I always wanted to be a lawyer but the truth main reason whom stopped me was my English. I gained so much experience %26amp; maturity from this situation. I learned how to take time to read with patience while using a dictionary as helped. Work has been one of the main reason . Although I was accepted to work days out of my college scheduled, I needed time to study %26amp; manage my time but this routing hrs is crazy!!! While not everything is bad, at the store I learned how to understand other concerns and handle my English matter. I would like to major n something bout computer or should I do this now or after transfer to a 4 years college? so go to a Law school and complete my dream!! :-D . I will like something that involved computers but not art or sitting down working n a chair . I want something cool risky and excited. I know how to analysis situations and make good decisions. My friends called me a Risk-Taker. I was thinking about psychology or counselor but I hate to repeat the same stuff all the time. My options are; Prosecutor, Law enforcement; Computer-based crime. I will try to resolve this problem at work, manage my scheduled or good bye Target. I will study hard to better my English and better my GPA ( omq I sound political, should I be a politic? Lolz) so yeah I need help from ppl that have experienced or have knowledge this situation, what's the best option to take. I don't want to keep falling n same mistakes over over over and over. I'm kind of old to be in this, should have finish college already. =(|||Well this choice ultimately is going to be yours but I don't mind sharing my experience with you. When i graduated high school I wasn't too clear as to what I really wanted to do I thought I wanted to major in business management but than again I also wanted to be a nurse. So I enrolled in college with a major of business management I got 1/3 through the program and decided Oh no this is not for me I want to do nursing so I transfered what credits I could towards a nursing program and went another 1/3 of the way and decide oh no I can't handle blood nursing's not for me. So than I made the best choice of my life to "take a break" from school I took one year and half off it gave me a chance to work and get better acquainted with myself in terms of REALLY figuring out what I wanted to do. Which I've found that Accounting is my niche and guess what I enjoy my classes I'm just about at the finish line and no that this is where I should be. You sound just like I did right after high school because you were probaly surrounded with friends who were running off to college and all you knew to do was graduate and go to college. What i'm trying to say is everyone isn't "READY MENTALLY" to go to college it takes some people longer to really figure out what there niche is before being settled. I wasted quite a few student loans going for classes that I didn't even need after discovering I was on the wrong career path. My grades were just like yours when I was in the business management and nursing program. Now I am in accounting something I actually love to do and my gpa is a 3.5. It works trust me!!!|||go for it

Thursday, December 8, 2011

So, If you were in this confused situation about your future what would do? college lilfe 10pnts?

I'm 20 years old college student in probation. History, Eco, Astronomy, Marketing, Business Law all D+ ..Finance A+... French,COMMUNICATIONS, Geometry, Accounting C+. Keyboard, ESL 02 nd 03 A+ ENG 09 B. Reading 1 nd 2 B. I have 39 credits going to my 6 semester. So embarrassing I know! Should I start from the beginning? I don't want these to affect my future career. I will like to transfer to a 4 years college. I just realized that I've being wasting all this two years studying business management. I'm a genius in computers but I do not see myself all day sitting in an office using this on a boring day.I love helping others; Moving around, so I start working at target to gain experience I don't need the money. .I have seen many managers using their power to make feel employees worthless. Their Main goal is to make profit; nd **** ppl. People working in retail store are always complaining about their life %26amp; salary I know it would be very difficult for me to cut employees hours or if there's one who doesn't do his job completely nd I don't want to be anyone Nanny . Personal Manager was an option, but money from others? Nah! what I like best is help people in unjust situations.

Don't know what's so special from me but everyone is so nice with me; When I'm at work I'm always there to help and when I said always is Always. I don't do it for a better position, Naah! I don't care if I'm n break time or in my way to I helped them!. Sometimes I feel so bad because they tried to start a conversation but I fail to understand them clearly. I Need to improve my English!! I love so much this language its so beautiful; Ppl speak with so much patience and respect..

I always wanted to be a lawyer but the truth main reason whom stopped me was my English. I gained so much experience %26amp; maturity from this situation. I learned how to take time to read with patience while using a dictionary as helped. Work has been one of the main reason . Although I was accepted to work days out of my college scheduled, I needed time to study %26amp; manage my time but this routing hrs is crazy!!! While not everything is bad, at the store I learned how to understand other concerns and handle my English matter. I would like to major n something bout computer or should I do this now or after transfer to a 4 years college? so go to a Law school and complete my dream!! :-D . I will like something that involved computers but not art or sitting down working n a chair . I want something cool risky and excited. I know how to analysis situations and make good decisions. My friends called me a Risk-Taker. I was thinking about psychology or counselor but I hate to repeat the same stuff all the time. My options are; Prosecutor, Law enforcement; Computer-based crime. I will try to resolve this problem at work, manage my scheduled or good bye Target. I will study hard to better my English and better my GPA ( omq I sound political, should I be a politic? Lolz) so yeah I need help from ppl that have experienced or have knowledge this situation, what's the best option to take. I don't want to keep falling n same mistakes over over over and over. I'm kind of old to be in this, should have finish college already. =(|||go for it!|||wtf... you only picked him b/c he was in your contact list when I obviously put more effort into the question and Mr.Malo just copied my last sentence!!!

I hate you...

Report Abuse

|||you said you wanted to be a lawyer. GO FOR IT! follow your heart :)

So, If you were in this confused situation about your future what would do? college lilfe 10pnts?

I'm 20 years old college student in probation. History, Eco, Astronomy, Marketing, Business Law all D+ ..Finance A+... French,COMMUNICATIONS, Geometry, Accounting C+. Keyboard, ESL 02 nd 03 A+ ENG 09 B. Reading 1 nd 2 B. I have 39 credits going to my 6 semester. So embarrassing I know! Should I start from the beginning? I don't want these to affect my future career. I will like to transfer to a 4 years college. I just realized that I've being wasting all this two years studying business management. I'm a genius in computers but I do not see myself all day sitting in an office using this on a boring day.I love helping others; Moving around, so I start working at target to gain experience I don't need the money. .I have seen many managers using their power to make feel employees worthless. Their Main goal is to make profit; nd **** ppl. People working in retail store are always complaining about their life %26amp; salary I know it would be very difficult for me to cut employees hours or if there's one who doesn't do his job completely nd I don't want to be anyone Nanny . Personal Manager was an option, but money from others? Nah! what I like best is help people in unjust situations.

Don't know what's so special from me but everyone is so nice with me; When I'm at work I'm always there to help and when I said always is Always. I don't do it for a better position, Naah! I don't care if I'm n break time or in my way to I helped them!. Sometimes I feel so bad because they tried to start a conversation but I fail to understand them clearly. I Need to improve my English!! I love so much this language its so beautiful; Ppl speak with so much patience and respect..

I always wanted to be a lawyer but the truth main reason whom stopped me was my English. I gained so much experience %26amp; maturity from this situation. I learned how to take time to read with patience while using a dictionary as helped. Work has been one of the main reason . Although I was accepted to work days out of my college scheduled, I needed time to study %26amp; manage my time but this routing hrs is crazy!!! While not everything is bad, at the store I learned how to understand other concerns and handle my English matter. I would like to major n something bout computer or should I do this now or after transfer to a 4 years college? so go to a Law school and complete my dream!! :-D . I will like something that involved computers but not art or sitting down working n a chair . I want something cool risky and excited. I know how to analysis situations and make good decisions. My friends called me a Risk-Taker. I was thinking about psychology or counselor but I hate to repeat the same stuff all the time. My options are; Prosecutor, Law enforcement; Computer-based crime. I will try to resolve this problem at work, manage my scheduled or good bye Target. I will study hard to better my English and better my GPA ( omq I sound political, should I be a politic? Lolz) so yeah I need help from ppl that have experienced or have knowledge this situation, what's the best option to take. I don't want to keep falling n same mistakes over over over and over. I'm kind of old to be in this, should have finish college already. =(|||Learn English real well, then become a lawyer that specializes in helping people that speak your original language.

Human Resource management?

1. _________ is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees, attending to their labor relations, health and safety and fairness concerns.

a. Labor Relations

b. Organizational Behavior

c. Human Resource Management

d. Organizational Health and Safety Management

2. Which of these refers to the temporary, part-time and self-employed workers?

a. Internal labor force

b. Contingent work force

c. High-performance work systems

d. Downsized employees

3. Which basic function of management includes delegating authority to subordinates and establishing channels of communication?

a. Planning

b. Organizing

c. Leading

d. Staffing

4. Over the past 25 years, all of these areas of legal environment have influenced HRM except:

a. Equal employment opportunity legislation

b. Employees pay and benefits

c. Employee competition legislation

d. Job security

5. One of the most popular methods of increasing employee responsibility and control is _______.

a. Outsourcing

b. "Military model" of management


d. Work teams

6. Which of these is a major dimension of HRM practices contributing to company competitiveness?

a. Compensating human resources

b. Acquiring and preparing human resources

c. Managing the human resource environment

d. All of the given options

7. How has technology changed HRM practices?

a. Recruiting using the web generates smaller, more focused applicant pools.

b. Employee training is offered through scheduled classes rather than on demand.

c. Electronic resumes take less time to evaluate than paper resumes.

d. None of the given options.

8. How do companies facilitate workforce diversity?

a. Rely on external support systems for minority workers.

b. Encourage employees to challenge the beliefs and values of other employees.

c. Build in accountability through surveys and audits.

d. Reinforce traditional values.

9. Employee involvement requires extensive additional HRM activity in which of these areas?

a. Training

b. Benefits

c. Labor negotiation

d. Marketing

10. Managers who meet designated goals are _______.

a. Assertive

b. Efficient

c. Effective

d. Entitled

11. David conducts new employee orientation for a large organization. His work is within which basic HRM function?

a. Management

b. Motivation

c. Career planning

d. Training and development

12. Employee relations specialists are involved in which of these activities?

a. Handling employee complaints

b. Working with position control specialists in compensation

c. Negotiating benefits packages

d. Coordinating interview schedules

13. The father of scientific management is ________.

a. Deming

b. Burns

c. Taylor

d. Hawthorne

14. A large organization is an EEO employer with an affirmative action plan. Which of these activities is performed as part of the plan?

a. All job applicants must have a recommendation from current or past employee

b. Insurance premiums from former employers of all applicants are analyzed

c. Job requirements are determined based on skills, knowledge and abilities

d. Job announcements are posted on the company bulletin board

15. Which of these items would be in the highest security category of a typical HRIS?

a. Employee name

b. Former employers

c. Salary

d. Work location

16. Which of these decreases in the labor supply is the easiest to predict?

a. Transfers-in

b. Retirements

c. Voluntary quits

d. Prolonged illnesses

17. Wal-Mart differentiates its business by offering the lowest prices. Offering the lowest prices is Wal-Mart鈥檚 _________.

a. Functional strategy

b. Competitive advantage

c. Distinctive competence

d. Corporate strategy

18. __________ is the process of assessing progress toward strategic goals and taking corrective action as needed.

a. Strategic management

b. Strategic planning

c. Strategic control

d. Diversification

19. _________ is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others and to give orders.

a. Leadership

b. Authority

c. Delegation

d. Management

20. Which of the following is considered a qualitative approach to job analysis?

a. Position analysis questionnaire

b. Interviews

c. Department of Labor approach

d. Functional job analysis|||lol you should be doin your own test! but ill give ya the first answers..its C|||lol r answers..dno whether dey r ryte or rong ...but its all wat i know :)

1 c

2 b

3 c

4 c

5 d

6 b

7 a

8 b

9 c

10 c

11 d

12 a

13 c

14 c

15 c

16 b

17 b

18 c

19 b

20 d

enjoy :)

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|||O Duffer Student ! better to attend all lectures and do self study !|||1._________ is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees, attending to their labor relations, health and safety and fairness concerns.

a.Labor Relations

b.Organizational Behavior

c.Human Resource Management

d.Organizational Health and Safety Management

Involuntary demotion.. legal?

I work for a fortune 500 company in Philadelphia. I have been with this company for nearly 4 years, and have been made to feel like an asset, and team player. I have a stellar sales record, and have been recognized by upper management on many occasions as a wonderful employee. In 2008, i was offered a position in a competitors office with more money, and better benefits. I came to my then manager to let her know, this was something i was strongly considering, as i was getting married, and interested in earning more money. She phoned her manager to let them know that i was considering leaving the company, and he promptly met with me and offered to match the earnings, and promote me to a better position. I accepted, as i was happy where i was. Fast forward a few months, I'm in my new position as of the first of the year, with more pay and incentive. My manager has quit, and her manager (that offered me the promotion) is now managing a different area. I went through 2 more managers, and my current manager has now discovered i was never changed in the system as a "full-time" employee. I have been given less hours on the schedule (less than 30), and am now being told that i will not be receiving more hours due to not having the budget to do so. I have asked to be transferred to a different dept, and my managers manager (who is new as well) is refusing to compensate me. I feel like i have been cheated from many promotions (which I'm highly qualified for) by this new manager, and now I feel I'm being demoted from a position i was suppose to have. I have been with this company longer than everyone in my dept, longer than my manager (who i partially trained), and divisional director. I feel there is something legal i can do, please guide me as I will probably quit if this is not a legal issue i can fight.|||unless the "document" is an employment contract spelling out your hours, length of employment pay rate, benefits,etc they are doing nothing illegal, no one is guaranteed a job so therefore no one is guaranteed hours.

you work "at will" which means at their will, you can not force them to give you more hours or a promotion|||No, there is nothing illegal about what happened. You are not guaranteed promotions at a company just because you have been there longer or have more experience.|||Unless you have a written and signed contract to the contrary, you can be promoted or demoted at ANY time for ANY or no reason. Unless you can prove that you were discriminated against because of your gender, age (if over 40), religion, nationality, sexual orientation, etc....there is ZERO legal recourse. Promotions are NEVER a legal entitlement and demotions are just the same. You work for your employer and your employment is to fill THEIR needs....not yours.


Unless that document is signed by BOTH you and your employer, and states that you will retain that position for a set time period, it will be worthless. I have a feeling you are going to pull up an offer letter which is NOT a contract. It basically must read something like "You will be hired as an XXX Position for the period of XX/XX/XXXX through XX/XX/XXXX.

How long should bioparents have to get there kids back?

if someone's child is took from them and put into foster care, how long should they have to get them back?

My parents who were foster parents adopted me when i was small after my bmom had THREE YEARS to get me back. She did not show for court, she did not come to visits and she dropped out of rehab,m trashed the housing she was given and was goes on and on. the courts felt sorry for her because every time she'd always say she loved me but then could not be bothered to even show up for visits. her rights took way too long to terminate and then my bio gparents did not want me either (not even visits) so my foster parents eventually adopted me.

the worst i ever saw though was when i was a teenager my parents took in a little boy who was 10 months old. his mom did the same stuff mine did not showing up for visits or court, not going to treatment and not going to anger management.she had been violent with the baby which is why he was took from her. when they asked her why she was beating on him she said he just would not stop crying.

anyway by the time he was 4 yrs old the courts were still trying to get the mom to take an interest. she would disappear and they would track her down, they would schedule visits and she wouldn't show and it went on like that for a long time. now there was 4 year old boy who didnt know his own mom from adam but they were still trying to send him home. then they found an aunt and uncle in quebec but everything is hard with quebec, kids getting transferred in and out is difficult. so for another TWO YEARS they tried to get the aunt and uncle to move to nova scotia where we are, they were going to pay expenses and help them find work and everything and they said no. then finally they went thru all this **** to get the courts to give permission for this little boy to be moved to quebec, and after all that his aunt and uncle said they didn't want him.

he was 6 by this time. he eventually went to live with family friends of my parents who are also foster parents (my parents could not adopt him at that time for a bunch of reasons that i won't get into here) and they adopted him when he was 8. we still see him all the time, thank goodness, but it should not have taken that long!

so i want to know how much time you think it should take to send kids home or terminate rights? if a mom doesn't show up for court or visits, should she be parenting? these kids stay in limbo while parents are extended all this time. I understand that parents might be going thru their own **** but should a kid have to wait for them?

what do you think?|||It would depend on what the issue with the parent was. Some should not get their kids back no matter what! I think a reasonable amount of time for rehabilitation for addicts who loose their kids would be no more than a year. Parents who have homes that are not in clean enough conditions should be given 3 months and assistance in cleaning it up. Parents who mentally abuse should be be stuck in institutions until well. Parents who physically and sexually abuse should NEVER get their children back! Even when parents do get their children back it should be monitored strictly. When I was taken I was a teen. I couldn't believe there was even court dates for my mother to go to. Thankfully she didn't show!|||We are foster parents and were told the national average is 15-18 months that they are given. But lots of times they give them longer as they do good for awhile, then bad, then they start over and all that. We finally got to adopt our two this summer and they gave their bio parents 6 years.(we had them the whole time)|||One year maximum!! If they can't get it together in a year they don't deserve to be a parent. In the meantime the children remain in limbo--not belonging to their original family and not belonging to the foster family. We --the states---need to revisit this issue again folks---cause it ain't working!!!

No!!A kid should not have to wait on them.If they want to be called parent then they should act like one. We fostered a little girl while momma cut short visits cause she had a date that night; and on and on it goes.|||I have not put a child up for adoption, or adopted a child, but I will still give my opinion.

It depends on the situation. If the mother has abandoned her child due to drugs or violence, then I say give them 1 year.

If it is for other reasons, I say give them 2 years.

Then, they can only petition to get the child back after 6-12 months of supervision and the have to prove they can take care of the child (a home, enough money coming in, etc). If they cannot prove they can take the child, let a family adopt them who can love them.|||Well, that all depends. For physical, sexual or serious psychological abuse, there should be no second chances. No matter what, if you are willing to do it once, in my mind you are always a risk to that kid, and it is irresponsible to put a kid into a situation with a **known** risk.

As for most other situations I think it depends on if the parents are trying. But if they keep missing court dates and not showing up to visits, I say cap it at a year, tops. I was in "limbo" as they say for too long also, and someone should have seen that my biomom was too much of a deadbeat to get her crap together, leave her man and actually try to take care of me. The courts did everything short of sending her flowers and letters pleading with her. Some people don't want help and their kids should not pay for it.|||I am hard nosed on this topic. Limbo land sucks when it comes to the stability of a child's upbringing.

Proven physical and sexual abuse: Done over and out--no second chance. If it is about protecting the kids...than protect the kids.

Drug abuse: again--I understand it is an illness--but if you can't get it together in 6 months--I say your if you go back on the jones--rights are terminated but I am more open to supervised visits.

6 years is too long. day it too long with proven abuse.|||The current trend is family reunification. Which is what happened to you. I am aware of a situation where the mother refused to maintain clean and sober and welfare took her children the first time when the baby was less than a year old. The Father was in recovery, but the welfare office refused to listen to the truth about her behavior after he had left. Within a year all three of the children were returned to her, which began a revolving door that included the children being taken two more times and when the baby was 6 they were removed a final time. The Welfare Department terminated the fathers parental rights, although he was clean and sober (they listened again - as always to the mother) a year later her parental rights were also terminated. No one listened to the Grandparents until then. At that time the Welfare Department wanted the Grandparents to adopt the children, but they had to but a bigger house because of the sex and ages of the children. When this could not be done, the Grandparents were eliminated and the children were placed in Forster care until an adoption could be arranged for the two youngest. When this mother had two more children the welfare department was right there and took both and they were also placed in adoption.

I believe that the same treatment should apply to either parent, not just the mother. I also believe that it the biological parents has a history they should get one chance and if they cannot clean up their act the children should be taken permanently.

The problem is that here are not enough good foster parents or people who are willing to adopt older children. Also people have seen movie stars adopt children from other countries and so the children that need a family here are left - abandoned by the system as well as their biological parents.|||No more than a few months! Take a month to START getting your sh*t together. For example, if the parent is a drug abuser, give them a month to find and go into some sort of treatment program. If the parent is still on drugs and not showing up to court ordered appearances and child visits then most likely the person is to disordered to take care of a child. Say the person goes to rehab, complies with courts, ect. give them a test period to see if they go back to drugs. If not, slowly inch the child back with the parent. Like visits outside courts, then weekends, and eventually bringing the child home. There is a difference between parents who don't care at all and parents who want to care but are to raped up in a disorder. In my opinion its all about judgment and a case by case assessment.|||Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) 1997 specifies the process of freeing a child for adoption should begin when they have spent 15 of the past 18 months in foster care *unless* there are particular extenuating circumstances that warrant holding off on begining the Termination of Parental Rights process.鈥?/a>

That said, the TPR is a legal process that takes several months and must be done exactly right to prevent procedural delays - for example, the birth mother and birth father have to be appropriately served notice of the TPR hearings, or the judge can delay the hearings. Full court calendars mean TPR hearings are cancelled and rescheduled. Family Court judges have some latitude in allowing parents additional chances and that will delay the TPR process. Caseworkers have to have every "i" dotted and every "t" crossed in the court paperwork or the judge will reschedule the hearing while the forms are corrected - or the paperwork can be right and the judges want more information, so they delay the hearing some more. Then, when the TPR is granted and the child is freed, the Adoption process begins (and is subject to the same court delays as above).

~ mj, MSW w/17 years child welfare experience