Thursday, December 8, 2011

I hate my job?

I have been working as a pharmacy tech for 3 years now, I like the job but I really dont like the management team nor my boss. She is like a psycho bc she is constantly calling me almost every other day of the week asking if i would go into work. I am a part time worker and a full time college student, and plus I share a car with my mom so that only gives me the option to work weekends. I did this last year, worked every freakin weekend and never had time to go out and be with friends. Im only workin to make some poket money and pay off books and gas money u know. They're not good with scheduling people bc i request off and they put me on anyway. I ask for a certain day to work and they do it for 2 weeks and then they go back to doing whatever they want. Ive tried to transfer to the store thats near my house that way I can walk, but my boss didn't let me said that I am a good worker and she didnt want to lose me. I don't know what to do, quit, tell I wana be transfered, or what?|||apply for a job in a different department|||You are whats called the *Gopher* see about a transfer

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